Saturday, June 23, 2007

No rules or what-so-ever!

With each passing day I've wanted to write something, but the longer I went without writing, the more pressure I put on myself to come back with something exceptional to make up for the silence. I know it's been awhile since I've written. I used to write all the time, but it's hard and intimidating to write when you get criticized and all I wanted was to write my own feelings out.

OK! I finally have this blog set up yet I'm not sure where to begin?? I figure this new blog will do me some good from the old and a new beginning perhaps. Life's can be boring at times, yet I figure it's how you look at it. I know that there are days when we may feel really good about ourselves and then some days we may feel lousy about ourselves. I just need a place where I can voice myself w/out the opinions of my friends correcting how or why I feel a certain ways- it's just because I do. I might not have much audience as before, but I'm fine w/ being a little anonymous. =)

1 comment:

Monkey! said...

Glad you're back! I knew you wouldn't be able to quit completely...