Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cali. girl spending a mini winter on the East Coast.

It’s 5:45am. Waiting for my ride to SFO, I’ll be going to Philly for 2.5 weeks and two days in NYC.  I’m not sure why I’m so nervous about the trip? It’s not like I’ve never been there or never gone up to Tahoe for skiing, but 2.5 weeks in the cold sound a bit scary for a Northern Californian girl !! Feel like I haven’t packed enough! Oh well, there’s always a mall if I need anything.
I’ve got my books and mini laptop with me. Hope it’s a good trip! =)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 2012 New Year’s Resolution

Happy New Year Everyone!

It’s that time again, isn’t it? When we’re all supposed to look back over the previous year and take note of the good and bad. Whether we succeed or not, there’s always a hope that things will be better the following year, so now it’s time for us to move forward, to start fresh!!

My New Year’s resolution for 2012 is:

1. A New Attitude.

2. A New Body.

3. A New Job.

4. A college degree.

5. Finally.. New Friends !

*_~ Let me know what is your new year’s resolution??