Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Congrats! Obama inauguration!

Indeed, it's time for a change! Beautiful speech to America and the world ! I have to admit, I was glue to the TV half awake and asleep to watch the inauguration. God! That was a great speech and it actually gave me new hope of restoring America. America stands not just for us to see but for the world to see.

It’s sad to admit this, but too many people have lost faith in themselves. Hopefully Obama will give them hope that they can do anything they want as long as they believe, without giving up before even trying.

Ok, I have to go back to sleep now!

Ps. Yes! He is the first African American, yet he’s still half white. (Not that it matters, but just tired of people denying the whole truth.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Once in a while we get a special treats and surprise! I really love this amazing movie! Thank you for the recommendations Rupa! =) I can’t stop raving about it! The best ‘feel good’ movie of the year! Even though the year just started! It was inspirational to see a movie that was so beautifully executed; includes love, destiny, sorrow, greed, betrayal, murder and then redemption. The storyline was nicely connected, so the previews doesn’t give a way everything! We tend to forget the harsh reality and hardships people go through daily! (Especially kids in the 3rd world country.) We definitely take things for granted for the simply things in life, bring your teens and hopefully they will learn how lucky they are to even have tap water.

You gotta see this movie! Especially if you love traveling and learning about culture, this will definitely give you a taste of India! Gotta love the Bollywood dance! Haha..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 New year’s resolution

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great New Years Eve celebrating. It’s kinda funny, but every now and then I catch myself thinking, “Oh I have to blog about that!” and then I remember I’m not blogging so much anymore. Can’t believe another New year has passed, hopefully this will be a happier year.

For some odd reason, I noticed I have given up on New year’s resolution. Somewhere along the way, I have given up on them as though I have given up on myself. It’s 2am and I’m just here sitting by myself thinking about a lot about everything. How did my life become the way it is? Did I let it happen or simply stop caring about myself?

Ok! So I decided that 2009 would be the year I start taking care of myself first before anyone else. So finally here’s my list.

1. Get back in shape and to be health. Lose! Lose! Lose!
2. STOP Procrastinating!
4. I need to meet new people/friends.
5. Volunteer!
6. Be a better friend.
7. Start learning Spanish now and then Piano later in the year.
8. Be more independent. (Oh yeah! I still need to go somewhere by myself.)
9. Stop worrying and stressed out about bills.
10.Make over in 6 months! (Look hot for Kim's wedding. haha)
11. Last, I need to blog as much as possible! *_~ Thanks Nino.

Wow! I didn’t realize I have so much on my list already! Ok, Let’s just start with these 11 and eventually on New Year eve, I’ll come back and check my progress! Wish me luck!
Added !
12. Start cooking more!